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Perception Games 
The path of least resistance

Take note of the miracles and manifestations that occur as you make your way through the games.

Here’s a tip for getting the most out of these games and all the games of your life: Give yourself massive praise, rewards and total acknowledgment for tiny shifts and very small actions. When you review your day even if you missed nine out of ten opportunities to practice your game give yourself massive approval for the one time you did get it. This is a powerful secret for avoiding resistance in the form of guilt. This is the secret of consistency.

Here’s a powerful way to look at your new life. If you change one negative thought to a more positive one you have changed the entire trajectory of your life to a better end result. If you change you in this one-degree you will change the entire world because who you are is now brighter by one thought unit. WOW, the entire world has been evolved by one degree because of how many people you will touch in your life. They will all touch others and WOW you have done a great job just in changing that one negative thought. 

Massive praise goes out to you who have the integrity to play these perception games. I applaud you. Please reward yourself, give yourself some fun today. Remember massive praise for tiny actions will take you all the way to a wonderful life, one thought at a time. 



A perfect life is a life with no complaints. For one day have no complaints. Whenever you try to run a complaint story say “No Complaints” and let it go. If it persists you will have to use your imagination. You may have to enter in to some dialogue with your brain cells. You might have to bargain. Say, “Just for one day no complaints OK, It is a game little brain lets just try to have some fun with this, OK? 

This game will introduce you to the independence of the untrained unruly mind stuff. So be gentle don’t be a dictator, treat your mind like a kid and see if you guys can play together. After all it’s just for one day. 

At the end of the day you might say; “Well my mind was bugging me to complain all day, but what the heck it was fun, NO COMPLAINTS…  

NIGHTLY REVIEW. How well did you do? At the end of the day give yourself a score of 1-10. Make it a ten. You are incredible for trying these games. You lived well today. You changed the world today. Acknowledge that you changed your life today because you changed your awareness of your life today. WOW. You can always come back and play this game again if it is fun for you. Play it every day if you like a challenge and before long you will have a life with no complaints. I guess that would be a perfect life and you will be way beyond the other players on the field, most of whom are not even in the game. 

Master your mind and you master everything else. 

Tend to your immediate environment first. You live first and foremost in your mind or thought world. Make it beautiful. Then notice as your outer environments follow suit. The mind is one area that you can try to control right now. There is a lag time but soon your body and environment will change. Your home environment will reflect the mind games you play and your physical environment will change to reflect the mental environment that you cultivate. 

For now it is powerful just to know that you live in your mind. Know it is your primary environment. Know you can change it right now and be happy right in it now. Know that every other environment will follow. You have power right here right now to feel great and create a wonderful life. 

Lets have some fun with Quantums, Quarks, Chitta, Subatomic Particles and Photons. What? Lets unleash the limitless power inside of us. Lets free the other 85% of our brains’ inherent power. YES. You are hereby challenged to the ultimate game. I dare you to play with reckless abandon. Winning or losing is irrelevant; just playing will give you treasures beyond your wildest dreams. 

Have fun altering your brain chemistry with conscious thought. You will become happier and more successful while you’re at it. And it’s easy if you do it one thought at a time. 

This book will give you the “how”. For years you have been studying what you should do, but no one ever showed you how to do it. This is how; gain control of your mind one thought at a time by using a game, that’s how. Anything you are trying to accomplish can be put into a day game or a score sheet game. Anything you are trying to accomplish can be made fun and rewarding right now. 

We’ll be playing with the substance of mind. Yes there is a substance (mental matter) it’s really just little clumps of electromagnetic stuff called thoughts, beliefs, concepts, and stories. They contain energy charges. In the future quantum physicists will teach you their radical new finding; that the subatomic particles they are always studying are actually mental matter. You will probably yawn and say, “ho hum, I’ve known that for years”. Scientists will discover that mental matter is a malleable sentient substance that likes to play. But in the meantime while waiting for the leading quantum physicists to discover this basic truth let’s just play with the quarks or mind stuff, or Chitta. “Chitta” is a Hindu name for mind substance. 

Playing with mind stuff is herein presented as a new form of entertainment and you can have fun with this book for many years. Our quantum mechanics call em Quarks, Hadrons, Subatomic particles, Quantums and other things. They are always coming up with new names as they get smaller and smaller particles, waves, or probability paths into their lenses. So suffice it to say we are playing with the sentient substance known as mental matter, in a field called mind. The higher and lower mind areas are great and the middle can be a quagmire, and escaping the quagmire of the middle mind makes the game more fun. 

Here’s an example of the three levels of mind; the higher mind (inspiration) says, “let’s play music”. The lower mind goes shopping for a ukulele. The middle mind (like middle management) does nothing constructive, but tells you why you can’t, why you are inadequate and blah, blah, blah doubt, negativity, and resistance. 

Consider this; when you are doing with your hands what your higher mind has inspired you to do, you are in the bliss of “The Blessing of Work” this is also called being in the zone. Ponder That. 

When you are stuck in a rut, criticizing, doubting, conflicted, or unhappy for any reason you are in the “Middle Mind” or resistance. There is no need to fix this swamp just get the flock out of there. Higher mind and lower mind are both great places to dwell. That’s why physical work, exercise, play, gardening, art, fun projects, curious exploration and creation of any kind feel so good if you can conquer the resistance to doing it. Lower mind rocks! Higher mind inspires you to mold the clay of creation. 

All of our little games will contribute to the greater game, which could be called “Creating a Wonderful Life” with a fun side adventure called “Escape the Middle Mind.” You will master the elements of mind and then you won’t get caught in the pain and serious drama of the middle mind. Anytime you’re fished off or farked up in any way you are in the quagmire of the Middle Mind and you can use a game to escape. 

I will be splashing around in the shallows of the middle mind as I teach you the games. It’s a relatively safe place to play if you know you are playing, but deadly otherwise. The shallows of the Middle Mind are where we poke fun at politicians, priests, criminals, and other grim Pseudo World characters. But let us not take these denizens too seriously, for that would imply that we believe they are real and have power. If that occurs we have gone too far into the bog and we may get stuck there. This is why one should avoid ‘The Bad News Network” at all costs. 

The bad news is designed to make you believe in hell, which will trap you in the beliefs of Pseudo World. Pseudo World is another name for the Middle Mind. Any time you get caught up in negative thinking you are in Pseudo World. Use humor and use a game to escape. So consider Pseudo World (the middle mind) to be like Jail in “Monopoly” just a part of the game. But avoid it at all costs if you want a happy fulfilling and successful life. 

Game 2. I like this.

As you drive down the road or sit in your office whenever your eyes rest on something say to yourself


No Matter what it is your eyes light upon say; “I like this”.  Appreciate the trashcan. Appreciate the perfect car passing you. Appreciate the perfect road-rager extending the perfect middle finger at you. I LIKE THIS, it’s interesting, it has texture, it looks good there. I like those street signs. How nice of them to tell me where to go. I like those kids playing; how happy they seem. I like this perfect pile of dog poop its got such presence here in this lobby. This is such a funky game I LIKE THIS. Your vibes will come way up. The weirder the better with this game. 

NIGHTLY REVIEW. How well did you do? At the end of the day give yourself a score of 1-10. Make it a ten. You are incredible just for playing. You played well today. You changed the world today by radiating a little less criticism. By loving a little bit more. Acknowledge that you changed your life today because you changed your awareness of your life today. WOW. Come back and play this game again. Do it a little bit every day if it is fun for you. Before long you will have a life filled with things you like. That would be a good life and you are already way beyond the other players on the field, most of whom are not even in the game. If you help someone else get into the game WOW you can really make an impact on their family, their health and the entire world benefits. 

You gotta have fun. Fun is the purpose of games. Take it slowly, go easy, and see what resonates. See which seeds take root. See which things start to stick or click. I’ll throw a few games at you then some stories and some philosophy on “Game” then a few premises, then more games. You will notice that your mind is drawn to certain little things. Go there.  If it doesn’t fit you ignore it, move on. There are so many ways to play these games you can just relax and flow with whatever interests you at the time. Some of the games contained in this book are not a fit for you at this time. But later you will totally enjoy them. 

I will be using some strong language and I hope it doesn’t fish you off. I will introduce you to some psychological modalities and a group of gremlins that interfere with you. I will teach you how to get them to shut the flock up, and leave you alone. 

This book is alive so be aware, reading this book will alter your reality.

It’s not a normal book. It’s alive. It might escape; it might get booknapped. It’s made out of sentient substance and modalfarkers too. It’s a living playful thing. It’s an invitation to live in another dimension. Don’t judge it, just play with it. Laugh with it. Share it. Don’t let it escape. It may disappear if you don’t keep it in plain sight. 

Certain places in the book may say, “Ponder this”. When you see those words it’s an invitation for you to let go of your intellect and allow your spirit to guide and inform you. When you see those words relax into the idea just presented. See if your intuition wants to embellish the point and teach you from within. 

Every time you read this book it will be completely different because a completely different person will be reading it. Take notes. Then you can refer to them as you play and keep the book magical and new every time you use it. 

There has never been a book on games quite like this. And playing games with elemental lifetrons (mind stuff) is a relatively new form of entertainment. I promise you these games will be interesting and challenging because the mind stuff is sentient, seems to have a mind of its own (or is that a person of its own). It is often resistant and stubborn, and prideful in the extreme. Thought substance has varying degrees of life and energy. Long held beliefs strive to protect themselves as if they are alive, and they are. They will try to lose the book if they feel threatened. 

Here’s a weird but true point to grasp: The spirit of you is basically holding a group of little lives prisoner (they often rebel) but that’s the fun of it. Mind-stuff (Agnisuryans) can become a pet. Agnisuryans can be trained to have fun, radiate joy and help you create a wonderful life. Mental matter is sentient, living substance held in formation by the spirit of you. Ponder that.

And if you don’t think its true try to stop thinking for a minute. Go ahead tell em to shut up. See… you can’t do it. It’s because you haven’t tamed this living substance yet, but you will. 

Game 3. I like this because. 

As you drive down the road or sit in your office whenever your eyes rest on something say to yourself

“I LIKE THIS BECAUSE…” and then give three reasons why. If you had some success with the last game this one will make it better. 

NIGHTLY REVIEW. How well did you do? At the end of the day give yourself a score of 1-10.  

I am the foremost Authority on the Middle Mind, and the undisputed champion of Middle Mind games. This is because no one has disputed this claim. And mostly it’s undisputed because I have never made this claim before. But still, you may wonder how I can claim to be “The Foremost Authority” on taming the middle mind, it’s simple, no one else is claiming it, and besides, I coined the phrase. And everything sounds so much more authoritative and “REAL” when coming from the undisputed, foremost authority on something, don’t you agree? This reminds me of a great game inspired by a quote from Kurt Vonnegut “You are who you pretend to be; so be careful who you pretend to be”. Ponder this.

Game 4. I Am…

HOW TO PLAY: Be someone else and look at the world in a new way. You have no past. Be anyone you want to be today. Start the day by deciding you are a great being or someone who is already manifesting in the field you want to be in. It’s useful to create the highest, most beautiful, most powerful or heroic persona that you can imagine. Create this someone who really inspires you and be him or her for a day. Put on their characteristics. Be someone awesome today. Embody their values, claim their virtues as your own and feel their power as your new power flowing through you. You can’t go too high with this. Keep it to yourself though. 

Remember: You are who you pretend to be so be careful who you pretend to be. This is a statement of truth. So do it consciously and enjoy the ride, don’t tell anyone who you are pretending to be or they’ll think you are crazy, just silently go along in your exalted persona for a day trying on a new set of skills, values, strengths and virtues. Beware; never pretend to be a victim under any circumstances, even when you just got your grass kicked, “NO VICTIM STORIES” should become a law of your life. Never pretend to be a victim. Never speak as if you are one. Never frame your story from a weak perspective. Never pretend that the “world” can dominate you.

To play this game use all your faculties to experience yourself as a master, a saint, the genius, the global entrepreneur, the rich person, and the heroine or hero you love the most, and you will access your highest idea of yourself and who you CAN be (even if it’s just for a day). This game alone can transform every aspect of your life. Just because it’s easy doesn’t mean it isn’t powerful. This game is profoundly powerful and transformational. There is a nice variation of this game that might work well for you if you have trouble with the main premise. It is; act like you’re being guided by that great person and they are giving you advice. Listen to them, ask questions, you may get some amazing insights. 

Another fun variation: pretend that your chosen guide just dropped in through the top of your head and they are going to possess you for a day to get you back on track. This is tremendous fun, acting as if you are a celestial walk in. When you play this game always refer to yourself in the third person as “He used to…” or “She was really good at…” as the new walk in, know you have all the memories of this dear one who you came to save. My walk-in often says things like, “he was such a good guy, but he worried himself to death, oh well, this will be easy for me to sort out, and in the meantime look at all this cool stuff I get to enjoy, like…” Pick whatever version suits you or make up your own game. The point is to look out on life for one day from a fresh and new unsullied perspective. 


How well did you do? At the end of the day give yourself a score of 1-10.


Game 5. What’s wonderful about this?


HOW TO PLAY: Whenever you see or observe anything slightly negative ask a question.

Put those Quarks and Quantums to work, they love to answer questions and it is a nice way to begin training them to stay happy. Ask the question; “what’s wonderful about this?” and come up with at least three answers. Get a friend to play with you, when you are with a friend it’s a great practice to take turns reframing the situation with, “what’s wonderful about this?” 

This is a mini mind game and a great tool in your problem-solving repertoire, use it whenever you falter in your decision to be happy and not complain. 

Game concepts: The games contained in this book aren’t difficult, they just ask that you lighten up, develop a playful nature, cultivate your will, add a sense of humor and have fun obedience-training your mental substance. Mental substance is made from the element of fire. The little particles of mind substance are called Agnisuryans and they are alive. You are given the task of helping them evolve, teaching them and playing with them. You are not your thoughts, but you can play with them. This is a radical departure from what you knew before. Ponder This. 

Yes, beliefs are sentient thought clusters that are alive at a very primitive level. Often stubborn beliefs don’t want to play and in resisting the game people sometimes frame this as if it is difficult, or confusing, or work. People will say “I’m already overwhelmed and now you add more things to my busy life”. Basically stating, “My life is too busy to have fun working on having a better life”, go figure. 

Some of my students would take an unusual position and never question it like “My life sucks and here you are asking me to have fun playing games (making my life a happy experience), how dare you, I don’t have time for such nonsense, I have some serious suffering to get back to, now leave me alone” and on and on… Don’t frame it that way. Life on Earth is nothing more than a game your spirit is playing. It should be fun. Learn the magic, have adventures, perform miracles and have dreams come true. Have fun and remember the book is alive, don’t let it out of your sight for a minute. It will wander into the kitchen or find the liquor cabinet and next thing you know your book is in Las Vegas...  

You have unlimited power if you split the atom (work small).

An atomic blast could be considered a major event. HUGE. That’s what working small will do. It’s called phase transition, or the hundredth monkey effect. After a certain number of atoms or thought monkeys shift, they all shift and phase transition occurs causing an atomic blast of power in your life. One thought at a time is the way you can change your entire trajectory and create a wonderful life for you and those you love. Changing one thought is do-able for most people.

I have been playing these games for years. There is a muse who whispers me a new game every two weeks or so. I have hundreds of these games to share with you. The most important thing is to have fun. Don’t try too hard. Reading this book intellectually will just add to the tonnage of things you already ’’KNOW” but feeling it, playing with it, and internalizing these games will change your life for the better.

If you find it hard to read any area of the book just skip ahead. You can plop yourself into this book at any place and get a hit of transformation. Open it anywhere; take in a little game action and watch as your reality changes ever so slightly. But a tiny change in your awareness changes the world. If you have resistance to reading something in this book it is a good sign; it means that this book has the power to change your life and the gremlins that want you to stay the same are aggravated. So just tell them to shut the flock up, and skip around in the book getting little insights here and there. 

These games will be a meandering through various perceptual fields. Just play and see what attracts you. If you get bogged down meander away from the bog. Become a Meanderthol; yes that’s the secret, or maybe a crow magnum. Just have fun. 

Every time you read this book you will be changed by 1 degree. Your vibrational offering will change; your point of attraction will change, your trajectory through life will change a tiny bit (it will be raised) and this will completely change where you end up. So hang in there when it seems a bit odd. Don’t struggle with parts you don’t yet relate with, just flow and see what happens next.

Want more fun and prosperity in your life? Attend the event or request more games from me. Send me an e-mail.




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