Life-coaching, Personal growth seminars in Denver, Workshops, Business coaching, Consulting


Articles by John McKenna

How many ways can you give thanks? A great Thanksgiving game.  

This is a Synapse Game based on “The Gift of a Question”.

How many ways can you be Thankful? How many ways can you feel Gratitude? This year on Turkey Day, play this game with your friends and family. The game uses open-ended statements and questions to move everyone into thanks-giving and a happier more celebratory state.

How to Play. Everyone will need a piece of paper and a pen. Write down the question. Set a timer for a minute or two. Then begin. Each person will put small checkmarks for each answer they get, after the question. Checks When the time is up each person counts up their checkmarks and everyone wins. After the game you can share some of your favorite answers and get a great conversation going about the things we are most grateful for and the proofs that life is good.

Set a timer and see who can check off the most answers in one or two minutes.

Decide on a question that you like (everyone writes down the question) set the timer and go. Place checkmarks after each question for each happy thought you think. The checkmark is like the "Ca-Ching" in your mental bank account.

Each checkmark is a new synapse in your brain that enhances your brain chemistry, gives you happiness and cheers you up.  

There are many ways to focus on how thankful we are, and the language of the question accesses different parts of the mind. You will love playing this game with family and friends on Thanksgiving. Here are some examples of different ways to word the question. 

This year I am so thankful for…Checks 

This is a good time in my life because… 

I am so grateful for... Checks 

I have wonderful people in my life like … 

I appreciate...  

What I enjoy about life is… 

Make up your own open-ended statements and questions. The right way of saying it is up to you and one different word or phrase can trigger a new cascade of thankful energy. Do it every day.

If you would like to help support this journey of happiness to expand please share this with a friend and join me on Patreon  to receive free downloads of my original music, Zingers for the mind and a new transformation game every month. Visit



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