Life-coaching, Personal growth seminars in Denver, Workshops, Business coaching, Consulting

Programs to give to your People

Turn your career into a calling
how to feel great about what you do.

In this seminar the participants learn how to believe in themselves and feel good about their work. In this highly interactive seminar we unveil the core values that drive us and keep us inspired. The participants will learn how to use empowering questions to stay motivated. What do you love about your life? By answering certain questions you move your mind into a more positive place. In this mini workshop I will teach the participants how to re-frame a story so that they are empowered by it. This is the fine art of creating Paradigm Shifts and although it is simple and easy to learn it has the power to change your life forever.


Inspiration 101
The secrets of staying in The Zone

Keeping yourself in shape mentally and emotionally

Have fun as you move toward your wonderful life. Say goodbye to the blues because you no longer have time for that. You are now playing a fun game and you are on your way to a wonderful place. It’s your future. You are now on your way to a wonderful life. This seminar teaches you to know what you want, know why you want it, know that you can have it, and know how to get it. 

Becoming the Genius that you are
The gift of a question.

How to use questions and open ended statements to trigger genius.

What am I not seeing in this situation?
If I knew what was holding me back what would I see?

What I love about my life is...
I am getting some great new Ideas like...

The full day Seminar "Stress Free and Powerful" teaches people how to achieve incredible results in far less time than ever before, with calm effortless efficiency. This program in stress management and personal power is tailored to your specific needs and can handle current issues that your organization may be facing at any given time.

I work with individuals and groups based on their natural inclinations and I help them to be self-referred, self confident, creative and then powerful enough to launch their innovative ideas. When people work in their true genius they get very efficient and their Time Management is easy without focusing on time management. Thinking in a certain way and being deeply relaxed produces effortless efficiency and a natural cohesion and order.

On the outside this process may begin with techniques and a certain cultivation of "the Golden Hour" a space where no interruptions occur. But the truth is that the entire phenomenon of genius occurs from an inner cultivation of the heart and a left-right brain cohesion, There is an inner dialog process that uses the pure logic of the left brain hemisphere to sort out the conflicting emotions and ideas contained in the right-brain.

"Since we did the  program in January  of 2001, We have increased our income by $20,000.00 per month. The work reminded us who we really are." click here to see  why YOU might consider having or attending an event




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